Leadership Team


Kathy Minardi


Based in Washington, DC, Kathy Minardi continues to leverage her extensive career as an educational leader providing guidance and training to school leaders through Whole School Leadership’s Institute throughout the world. She contributes her expertise as a Montessorian with extensive training in transformational leadership and organizational development.  Kathy has been a school leader for over 40 years, including 17 years at Aidan Montessori School, one of the oldest Montessori schools in the US. 

Kathy holds a BA and MA in Education with executive certificates from Georgetown University, Harvard, Yale and MIT in areas of leadership, adult development and emotional intelligence.  She served as a trainer for NAMTA’s Tier I and II courses for administrators, on the founding board of Montessori Administrators Association and the board of the Association of Independent Maryland and DC Schools.  She holds a background in family systems theory and practices, sustainable community building practices, and is a trained peace and conflict resolution facilitator.  She is a Margaret Wheatley Warrior for the Human Spirit and a sought-after speaker and retreat and workshop presenter. 

She has been busy giving a TED talk, being a frequent lecturer throughout the world, and co-founding Prague-based Lead Montessori. She dedicates her life to supporting the work of child advocacy, equity and inclusion, and social justice and public policy on behalf of children. She is a member of Whole School Leadership Institute’s core teaching faculty for the acclaimed Montessori Leadership master course, “Transforming Self, Community & Society.” She sincerely hopes, however, that her most important work will be helping you.


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